Did you know it only takes 26 seconds for your blood stream to absorb what you apply topically? That is why it is important to think about what ingredients are in your skin care and other beauty products you apply topically. I came across Manomai when I first started beauty blogging, and truly became fascinated with their approach to skin care. I reached out to them, and they kindly agreed to send me a press sample to review for you guys. Manomai's founder is a believer in Dr. Peter D'Adamo 's Blood-type Diet, which basically c onsists of eating the right foods for your blood type, in turn making you healthier and lose weight. She wanted a moisturizer that aligned with her beliefs in the Blood Type Diet, but also met her strict guidelines: pareben-free, mineral oil-free, fragrance free, cruelty-free, and artificial color free. So, she developed 4 moisturizers with 4 special blends to uniquely match each of the blood types -- the Around-the-Clock
When my dermatologist prescribed Differin gel aka Adapalene, I thought, “Awesome! I’ll just put this on my face, and ‘Voila’ -- I would be acne free.” I was incredibly wrong! After two nights of applying Adapalene on my face, I began to break-out with cystic acne, my skin became super sensitive, burned when I splashed my face with water, and the skin on my face began to peel. After experiencing these negative side effects, I did some research on the manufacturer’s website, WebMD, Google, Instagram, Youtube, etc. So, I want to share with you what I learned… How does Differin Gel/Adapalene work? Differin gel/adapalene is a type of synthetic retinoid. It is one of the mildest forms available. Retinoids help your skin slough off (or desquamate ) dead skin cells at a more normal rate. Sloughing aka exfoliating your dead skin cells is beneficial in that the dead skin cells don't bind together and clog your pores. When your pores aka oil ducts are clogged, you get acne!
If you have been looking to purge yourself of chemical and preservative filled hair and skin care, then keep reading... Bogavia is a skin and hair care brand free of: parabens, mineral oil, sodium laurel sulfate, artificial fragrance, and chemical preservatives! Oh yeah, and cruelty-free!! Everything in their ingredient list is easily pronounceable and all natural with a lot of organic plant and fruit extracts. They have a line for adults and babies -- so exciting! I contacted Bogavia after learning that they crafted a baby-friendly skincare line. My sons have grown a little fascination with creams and lotions after watching my AM & PM skincare routines. So, I had been looking for a baby-friendly lotion for them. I absolutely love Bogavia's Extra Gentle Healing Butter for my two angels' soft skin. The Healing Butter, infused with Calendula, is a thick unscented cream with a denseness like Desitin, but feels like a lotion. It can be used and applied all over the fac
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